Changelog v0.78.0 – OCTOBER 6, 2022
Added option to scale up HUD (“Large HUD” in Video options)
Added additional tooltips to show currently equipped artifact next to inspected artifact
Gameplay changes
Improved death animation curve for Spectres and Seneschals
Bug fixes
Restores HUD when closing inventory using UI button
Closes purchasing menus when attacked during a simultaneous turns online game
Fixed bug where game could end up soft-locked in battle when the last troops on one side where killed by Chain Lightning
Fixed bug where ability sounds were not played for opponents in multiplayer battle
Fixed bug where two players could init battle at the same time in a simultaneous turns online game
Trigger main menu music if returning to battlegrounds army select after battle
Fixed bug in Army Creator when dropping a troop on an already occupied troop slot the previous troop value is refunded correctly
Added clearer selected state to Kingdom Overview menus (Building overview, Troop overview, Research and Marketplace)
Hid locked troop slots in Trading menu
Increased font size for the smallest text areas
Reworked town list tooltips and construction UX. Construction animation is now shown when town is working at max capacity instead of when one building is constructing in case player has researched option to build multiple buildings at the same time.
Changed explore/map entity scoring to increase chance of claiming resource generators
Added dynamic data caches to most adventure related calculations the AI makes per think loop
Tweaked the Battle AI Target selection to be less predictable and more balanced
Major improvements to performance when wielders move around
Known Issues
Sim-turns is at version 0.1
Co-Op (Teams) is at version 0.1
Balance changes are upcoming
All traits and abilities for troops are not yet implemented
Camera in adventure is not working as intended