
Changelog v0.79.7 – November 22, 2022


  • Random map generator – choose the layout you want to use when selecting map in lobby

  • Added configurable turn timers as a new map settings option for multiplayer games

  • Added a multiplayer settings menu available to the host in multiplayer games

  • Added ability to purchase troops from all owned towns and settlements at once when using a Rally Point

  • Added Japanese translation

  • Added a few more random events for Loth

  • Two new skirmish maps added

    • — Eye for an Eye, small 1v1 map

    • — Lion’s Den, XL map with 8 players

Gameplay changes

  • Game has had a balance overhaul, there will be more ongoing changes and then another bigger one after all traits and abilities are in place.

Gameplay changes — Balancing

  • Adjusted research prices for a more standardized price setting across all factions

  • Added +5 initiative to Steampipers song “The Coin in my Hand”

  • Units changes

    • — Reworked initiative across all units

    • — Increased hp across all units

    • — Max researched stack size lowered for Militia, Rats, and Hunters

    • — Faey rager now gives chaos, chaos, creation

    • — Fist of Order now gives Order, Order, Chaos

    • — Fist of Orders max damage increased by 1 to 25

    • — Faey Noble and Queen's damage increased to 14—18 and 25—30

    • — Toxicologist now costs 250 gold, Bane costs 500

    • — Banes damage lowered to 4—8

    • — Necromancers now cost 750 gold and 1 Celestial Ore

    • — Necromancers max dmg increased to 12

    • — Scavenged bones now cost 850, Blessed bones cost 1200

    • — Bones stack size increased to 10, with research 15

    • — Scavenged Bones damage lowered to 14—16 and Blessed Bones 18-20

    • — Legions and High Legions damage increased to 30—35 and 40—50

    • — Dreaths max damage increased from to 5 and Dire dreaths damage increased to 5—7

    • — Dire dreath now gives an additional Chaos

    • — Dire dreath price increased to 300

    • — Tinkerers stack size decreased to 15, with research 30

    • — Tinkerer now cost 400 and artificers 650

    • — Artificers damage lowered to 9—12 

    • — Scarred Brute now costs 1200

    • — Scarred Brutes damage increased to 20—24

    • — Shadow now costs 1000 and 1 Glimmerweave

    • — Sassanid researched stack size lowered from 25 to 20

    • — Sassanid damage increased tp 15—20

    • — Shadows minimum damage lowered by 1 to 25

    • — Hellbreath and Hellroars damage increased 25—35 and 40—50

    • — Hellbreath price increased to 1600 and 1 Celestial Ore

    • — Hellroar price increased to 2200 and 2 Celestial Ore

    • — Guard stack size increased to 30, 50 with research

    • — Guard and Protectors max damage increased by 1

    • — Guard cost increased to 250

    • — Crawlers damage increased to 8—10 

    • — Crawlers cost increased to 450

    • — Adult Crawlers damage increased to 12—16

    • — Adult Crawlers cost increased to 700

    • — Chelun damage lowered to 12—14

    • — Chelun Elders damage lowered to 16—20

    • — Dragons damage increased to 40—50

    • — Elder Dragons damage lowered to 50—70

    • — Dragons cost lowered to 2500 + 2 Ancient amber

    • — Elder Dragons cost lowered to 3000 + 4 Ancient Amber

  • Note: Many units still do not have the trait or ability they’re supposed to have, so more changes might come when those arrive in the game.

  • Spell changes

    • — Protection cost lowered to 4 order

    • — Quicken cost increased to 5 order

    • — Aggression cost lowered to 4 destruction

    • — Damage of Fireball increased to 35/70/100

    • — Invigorate now gives 5/10/15 initiative +1/2/3 move, was +10/15/20  initiative +1/2/3 move

  • Increased the cost of the following spells:

    • — Invigorate

    • — Onslaught

    • — Justice

    • — Rapid Fire

    • — Rejuvenation

  • Building prices and prereqs reworked across the board to be a bit more synergistic and adjusted to troop income worth

  • Wielder changes

    • — Starting troops adjusted and changed according to new prices

    • — Starting skills changed and adjusted in some cases

    • — Specialties changed and adjusted here and there

  • Skill changes

    • — Positioning now gives 15 ranged resistance, then 30 and the final tier gives +1 move first round

    • — Prepared now gives +10 initiative and +1 move first round at tier 3

    • — Impressive now gives 10/15/20% more chance of hostiles either fleeing or joining

    • — Raider tier 3 now gives 400 bonus gold and +1 movement and +1 view radius

  • Skirmish and campaign maps updated with some different army values and pickups based on the balance changes


  • Fixed wrong team color on defender in post battle menu

  • Disabled turn timers when playing Battlegrounds by friend invite

  • Twelve more wielders added for use in Battlegrounds

  • Old battlegrounds armies may now be invalid because of price changes


  • Rework wielder/building interaction menus into 3 separate menus (town interaction, rally point and troop building menus)

  • Updated New Round/Your turn popup

  • Minor additions to purchase wielder menu (Better Barya portrait positioning, more info on owned wielders, always show command skill, hide purchase button on owned wielders)

  • Show town name instead of "city" in pre battle menu if no wielder is present

  • Added specific beacon icon to notification HUD

  • Removed positions that are under fog of war from a wielder’s movement outline

AI Adventure

  • Performance optimisation

  • Fixed bug that stopped the AI from claiming certain neutral faction buildings

  • Fixed an issue where AI could not sell buildings

  • Made long distance pathing be more precise

  • Fixed issue with valuable items not being cleared from cache after interaction, creating what appeared to be pathing issues

  • Fixed issue with distance-to-item penalty calculation

  • Fixed issue with balancing troops when taking from map entities

  • Improved situation where AI previously would stop building on its towns

AI Battle

  • Fixed abandoning its current position for an inferior one due to not treating it as a valid candidate

  • Fixed ranged units using the movement logic for melee units

  • Fixed ranged units not evaluating damage done to enemy units correctly if an attack was preceded by a move

  • No longer makes sub-optimal moves after a good one due to still having movement left

  • Better at adapting to current situation compared to blindly going for its long term target

  • Ranged units locked in a zone of control now consider a melee attack

  • Ranged units less interested in moving to within deadly range as part of an attack to encourage attacking without moving and without penalty

  • Removed threat from positions an ranged enemy unit could target only by moving

  • Increased value of high ground when evaluating potential positions


  • Added sound when Sim turn is locked

  • Rework and update turn timer sound effect

Bug fixes

  • Fixed “You can go back and level up later” mini tutorial showing up at wrong times

  • Fixed auto-equipping “Any Hand” artifacts replacing main hand weapon even if the Wielder has no artifact equipped in off hand

  • Fixed bug where camera panned to wielders teleporting in fog

  • Fixed many instances of sounds and VFX playing for entities that where covered by fog-of-war

  • Fixed artistic color tints showing up as interactable in-game

  • Solved at least some cases of players getting stuck on loading screen when other players disconnect during loading

  • Fixed issue with Bandit Hideout battle map causing exceptions and soft locks when humans or AI attacked them on maps where they had their default defenders changed


  • Adventure AI optimizations with focus on larger maps

Known Issues

  • Threat level indicator sometimes gives wrong threat assessment — be wary!

  • Sim-turns is at version 0.1

  • Co-Op (Teams) is at version 0.1

  • All traits and abilities for troops are not yet implemented
