Changelog v1.5 — January 31, 2025
Notable additions
Simultaneous battles during multiplayer
Random maps reworked for game balance and better visual look
Game balance
Skills now have level caps. Skills can only be upgraded to tier 2 when wielder is level 4 or above, and skills can can only be upgraded to tier 3 when wielder is level 10 or above
Slightly lower neutral hostile growth rates
Add an option in game lobby to disable Beacons of Power as victory condition for players who want to play on Beacon maps but with only the King of the Hill victory condition (they can still be used for teleportation)
Will now skip the option to fight friendly troops that want to join on campaign maps
When unlocking new troop generation in buildings, a number of those troops will immediately be added to the recruitment pool
Wielders can now defend a town while standing on a town wall gate
Fixed only one building being destroyed per turn of razing a town, now it’s two per turn as intended
Fixed wrong variants being used for many non-interactive map entities (visual fix)
Fixed issue where wielder would never become visible after using a teleporter
Fixed “Potion of Sight” research not increasing deadly range for Toxicologists and Banes
Fixed enemy wielders remaining standing on town wall gates when ownership of town changes
Fixed enemy wielders having wrong colors on their zone of control and showing wrong threat level in tooltip when defending town by standing inside town walls
Fixed AI being able to construct town walls while converting a town
Improved targeting when selecting hex to teleport to when casting Chaos Step or Dimensional Door
Fixed outlines not showing on attacking troops
Fixed Huskarls not losing their spear if throwing it as a result of a Skinshifter challenge
Fixed Huskarls not losing their spear if throwing it at a battle obstacle
Fixed exception when using Challenge ability on a troop with negative movement stat
Fixed damage previews being shown for “extra” targets from Sweep or Flame attacks that will not actually be hit due to elevation or being invulnerable (i.e. burrowed)
Fixed damage previews including high ground bonus when the attacking troop will actually move away from the high ground before attacking
Fixed exception when pressing keyboard shortcut to open spell book in battle when you don't have a wielder (such as in a town siege defence)
Fixed campaign screen displaying Lorem ipsum text when hotswapping between gamepad and mouse/keyboard (and similar issues)
Added Roots DLC wishlist button to main menu (Steam only)
Reduced the available server regions to the four (overwhelmingly) most popular ones to help with finding multiplayer games to join
Reduced the length of the join codes from 14 down to 5 characters making them easier to share
If a player that is in a battle disconnects, that battle is aborted and any opponent is returned to the adventure mode
Fixed “town defence” menu being closed because another player ejected their wielder from one of their towns/settlements
Various fixes for when host migration happens while other players are in battle
Fixed issues when loading save games from within a battle
Map changes
All random maps reworked
Random maps now include elevation and more varied biomes
Day/night cycle added to random maps along with dynamic weather
Added lobby map setting option to force type of starting town/settlement on random maps
Small reworks on conquest maps fixing mistakes and sometimes helping the AI on its easier difficulties
Updates to blockers and trees in most Vanir maps
Remove part of codex tutorial that explains how battle limitations work in multiplayer
All Conquest maps and Challenge maps have been cleared of unnecessary overridden component that was caused long ago due to an old bug
Fixed erroneous availability setup in Warden class' Rigor power availability
Fixed issue with fog of war that would sometimes occur at the ending cutscene for Loth mission 1
Fixed formatting issue tooltipping Vanir Essence buff from research
Fixed research formatting issues If using map editor to override a reward with research buffs
Fixed Vanir wielders not showing up in player stats menu
Stopped counting Elder Dragons in “Different units trained” stat in player stats menu (since they can’t be trained)
1.5.6 — 21 March, 2025
Changed color of "current troop" marker in battle for improved readability
Fixed turn timers in battle counting down twice as fast as they should
Fixed bug in random map generation leading to too many neutral hostiles being just stacks of Arleon Militias
Fixed exception when entering player stats menu if one of your most played maps was a random map layout that is no longer present
Fixed bug in random map sublayout selection in lobby, leading to a random sublayout being used for game if no choice was made manually
Fixed attack previews for Hellroar's Bombard ability not correctly applying the 50% damage multiplier
Fixed build menu entry for Vanir's Longhouse sometimes showing two Swines instead of one Swine and one Berserkir
Fixed edge case in AI recruitment that caused a softlock during AI's turn