Campaign Modding
You can consolidate your maps into a cohesive campaign, where one or more wielders embark on a journey from one map to the next, retaining their accumulated experience and hard-earned loot along the way.
When crafting campaign mods, you'll typically package the following elements within your zip-file:
Campaign JSON File (Required): The heart of your mod, the campaign JSON file serves as the backbone of your creation, dictating the core rules, and progression. It's indispensable for a functional campaign mod.
Campaign Artwork (Required): Campaign artwork adds visual flair to your mod, providing players with a captivating backdrop and profile image that immerses them in your unique narrative. These elements are essential to breathe life into your campaign and to make it stick out in a crowd.
Maps (Required): Maps are the canvas on which your campaign unfolds. Ensure your mod includes all the maps necessary to guide players through the campaign's twists and turns. The number of maps may vary depending on your campaign's complexity.
Language JSON Files (Highly Recommended): Including language JSON files serves three purposes. Firstly, they can be used to provide translations to a broader audience. Secondly, they greatly help reduce the complexity of your narrative by keeping it in a single file instead of spread out in any number of maps. Thirdly, they make it possible to add voice overs!
Custom Wielder Stats, Portraits, and Sprites: If you want to make your mod truly distinctive, consider crafting custom wielder stats, portraits, and sprites. These unique elements will help your campaign stand out and engage players on a deeper level.
Audio Files: Why not make a lasting impression by providing custom sound effects or even voice overs?
{ "type" : "campaign", "faction" : "Rana", "title" : "My custom campaign", "subTitle" : "When things get real", "description" : "An awesome campaign made by me", "callout" : "Click me!", "backgroundTexture" : "CampaignBackground", "profileTexture" : "CampaignProfile", "credits" : "CampaignCredits", "maps" : [ { "identifier" : "first", "displayName" : "1", "wielder" : "Rasc", "location" : "0.405x0.205", "path" : "MyCampaignMap1.bytes", "wieldersToTransfer": ["Rasc"], "transferWielder": "Specific", "transferTroops": "OwnedByWielders", "transferArtifacts" : "OwnedByWielders", "transferBacterias" : true, "transferGameVariables" : true, "transferWallet" : true, "unlocksMaps" : ["second"] }, { "identifier" : "second", "customPortrait" : "CustomImage", "displayName" : "2", "wielder" : "Rasc", "location" : "0.260x0.315", "path" : "MyCampaignMap2.bytes" } ] }
// // type must be exactly "campaign" // Determins which artwork to use // Text or language key // Text or language key // Text or language key // The text or language key of the campaigns button // A name of a png-image in your mod // A name of a png-image in your mod // A name of a json credits file // // // The identifier of this map (used by "unlocksMaps") // Usually a number // The wielder to be displayed with the campaign map // The buttons location on the background image // The path to the map file // None, All, Top_1, Top_2, Top_3, Specific, // Wielders to transfer to the next map (only applicable if Specific) // None, OwnedByWielders, Everything // None, OwnedByWielders // Set to true to transfer any temporary buffs // Set to true to transfer all game variables // Set to true to transfer all resources // The maps that get unlocked by finishing this one // // The next map // // A name of a png-image to use as custom portrait // // // // // // //
The campaign background not only sets the stage during map selection but also adds a touch of flair to the overall campaign experience, with map buttons drawn on top of it.
Recommended size: 1920x1080px or larger
The campaign's profile image is prominently featured on both the campaign selection screen and when players browse through mods. Make sure its visually appealing to draw players in.
Recommended size: 1024x576px
Once the curtains have fallen, you have the opportunity to showcase your own set of credits, spotlighting the talented individuals who contributed to the campaign's creation.
Advanced map editor functionality
The map editor is packed with advanced features to help you create your own engaging campaign.