Changelog v0.75.3 — May 13, 2022
Fixes & Improvements
Fix game not creating the right kind of autosaves after completing a campaign map (fix being able to load into a campaign map after it was completed)
Change the size indicators of the wielders flags to small 0-15k, medium 15k-30k and large 30k+
Move a gallows so you can use the road in Tight for Three
Add more space for friendly wielders around the egg in Rana mission 3
Make sure Red Reed Flats is auto claimed in first verse of From the Ashes
Move a Tribute of Creation in the third verse of Song of Stoutheart
Make sure the initial treasure can be reached on the map Haven
Changed many atmosphere nodes to affect camera and actor instead of just actor in the campaign maps
Slightly lowered amount of troops in many enemy wielders in mission 3 and 4 of Song of Stoutheart campaign (Arleon)
Slightly lowered amount of starting troops for Unseen Society in Rana mission 2
The AI now auto equips stronger artifacts
Fix issues with wielders set to spawn with artifacts ended up having them unequipped in their inventory. They will now automatically equip the strongest ones.
Fix error in special AI spell casting scenario
The battle will now continue if the current troop is killed by an attack initiated by Blind Hatred
Fix issues that could happen when purchasing troops with a Wielder with maximum Command skill and artifacts that granted additional Command bonuses
Grammar fixes in campaign dialogue
Update tutorial pagination buttons to make it clearer that some tutorials have multiple pages
Remove timer from story texts, player will need to click to continue
Battle health bars are set to green instead of team color
Remove superfluous and possibly misleading Essence information from Wielder tooltips
Remove listing a Wielder’s troops in their tooltips
Add current movement and total movement to Movement indicator tooltip
Improve hit area for troop markers in troop deployment
Fix occasional crashes entering skirmish regarding DynamicPanels
Fix issue with duplicate mod maps crashed the game
Epic Game Store: Fix issue with the game crashing after every 5 minutes
Fix issue with FinalizeBattleUtility trying to get statistics for a troop that didn't exist
Fix bug that caused exception when pressing ESC after loading a save
Language/localisation changes